
Sunday, January 12, 2020

I sometimes feel a little nervous or guilty about leaving A.A. but after contacting an old friend from this blog, he reminded me it's ok.

See, He reminded my why I had to leave A.A.

Not because it's this predatory place of "religious Cult", but quite the opposite.

A.A. has been infiltrated by liberal left leaning Democrap atheisitic radical Snowflake feeley touchy Antifa loving George Soros loving adult-children, that I just figured to give up, and guess what?

I'm better off and I annoy them because although they already have destroyed the Blamestream Lamestream Fakestream mainstream media, Hollywood, the NFL, SNL, academia, the "intelligence" agency, a slight majority in the House of Representatives, and even some RINOs in the Senate, they want more.

I walked away, turned my station, and pissed them off.

For example, Nancy Pelosi, first she was Russian for Impeachment, now she's just Stalin.

Keep this in mind, your President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has the lowest approval rating in the History of Approval Ratings... for Radical Islamist Terrorists.


Have a nice day.

Oh, my old buddy from A.A. who was/is also an author of this blog, the reason we had a falling out is because I told him about my politics. He told me his thoughts about that President in the White House and other politicians to his credit. Then I told him he might as well start hating on me because according to "his" people, I'm a white racist homophobic misogynistic xenophobic redneck. Then he told me how America did in fact create this nation on shame and genocide and etc. and blah blah blah… then I set him straight with some facts... which I'll include down below, then he pretty much told me we should no longer speak.

I'm fine with that. …

Here's a History Lesson for Y'all…

Who started the Republican Party? Abraham Lincoln. The Democratic Party? In 1820, Andrew Jackson.

Jackson screwed over the Native Americans for the Democrats’ vote – Indian Removal Bill.

National Republican Senator Frelinghuysen opposed taking Indian land by violence. National Republican Congressman Davy Crockett also opposed this.

Democrats passed it, Jackson signed it into law.

Alexis de Tocqueville, the French observer of Early American History describes the air of destruction of most celebrated and ancient American Peoples a “Trail of Tears.”

Besides stealing land of the Indians, Democrats also embraced slavery on plantations.
Jackson owned hundreds of slaves. He had Betty receive 50 lashes for washing neighbors’ clothes without his permission.
Jackson, in 1804, ran an add for the return of a runaway slave, offering $50.00 for the return, and $10.00 for each 100 lashings, up to 300 lashings, essentially a death sentence.
Jackson didn’t just steal their labor. He raped young women.

Republicans formed to end slavery and to free runaway slaves.

John C. Calhoun was one of the most notorious Democratic defenders (and Senator) of slavery. He said that slavery benefited both parties.

Today, Democrats duck responsibility by trying to blame the South. But Northern Democrats tried to protect slavery. One such advocate was Illinois Senator Steven Douglass. He thought each state should decide for/against slavery. He wanted slavery all over the world, not just here.

Republicans wanted to end the spread of slavery. Republican Senator Charles Sumner (1856) denounced slavery.
Preston Brooks, Democratic Congressman, physically attacked him from behind with a cane, nearly killing him.
Lincoln considered slavery a “form of theft.”
“You work, I eat.”
Democratic Propaganda states the Civil War as being a contest between anti-Slavery North vs. the pro-Slavery South. This is a lie. The Civil War was about a war between the Abolitionists and those who wanted Slavery.
Lincoln said, “The judgment of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”

But didn’t some Republicans own slaves? No. All the slaves at the time of the Civil War were owned by Democrats.

So, the Civil War is best known as a contest between the anti-slavery Republican Party and the Pro-Slavery Democratic Party.

Lincoln wanted to give freed slaves citizenship, equal rights, and the right to vote.
The Democrats couldn’t believe it.
Lincoln was assassinated.

Democratic Party Legacy:
Indian Massacres
Broken Treaties
But they claim to be the party of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
But that was just an Act. There already was a Civil Rights Movement lead by the Republican Party from back in the 1860s.

The 1960s Act merely tried to claim laws that were already put into the Constitution 100 years previously by the, that’s right, Republicans.
A little known fact, more Republicans than Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Today’s Democrats take credit for Civil Rights legislation.
So what’s their contribution? They finally agreed to stop filibustering it so it could pass.

“40 Acres and a Mule”
The Republican Party set aside 400,000 acres of confiscated Confederate land and began dividing it to give freed slaves 40 acres and a left-over army mule.
Democratic President Andrew Johnson gave the land back to its former plantation owners.

Democrats claim to be the “Party of Economic Opportunity”, but they opposed the 13th Amendment.
Slavery Abolishment: Republicans were 100% for, Democrats were 77% against.
Democrats claim to be the Party of “Social Justice”, but they fought the 14th Amendment, which gives citizenship to Blacks and established equality of rights under the law.
14th Amendment: Republicans 94% for, Democrats 0% for.
Democrats lecture Republicans over Racial Equality.
Racial Equality: the Democrats voted against the 15th Amendment, refusing to give slaves the right to vote.
15th Amendment: Republicans 100% for, Democrats 100% against.
Republicans also gave women the right to vote. Suffragettes were virtually all Republican, Democrats opposed Suffragettes. They fought it and lost in Congress. Then they fought it in the States where they lost again.

Democrats New Plan: Carol Swain from Vanderbilt Law School is an expert on Race Relations and Civil Rights; After Civil War in 1865, the Democratic Party was in ruins and they needed a New Plan.
The Ku Klux Klan was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was the first Grand Wizard and a pledged delegate to the Democratic Convention.
The whole purpose of the Democratic Party was to reestablish White Supremacy.
1868, the party platform was “This is a white man’s country, let a white man rule.”
Black Republicans and White Republicans were its targets.
Congressman James Hinds was the first sitting member of Congress assassinated.
During the Klans’ long reign of terror, they killed over 3,000 blacks and over 1,000 white Republicans.
The Ku Klux Klan was the military arm of the Democratic Party.

Why has all of this been swept under the rug? To cover the tracks of the Democratic Party.

The violence of racism carried well into the 20th Century, at other times, it merely changed forms.

Ida B. Wells refused to give up her 1st Class train seat to a white man. She was a Republican, working for a Republican paper. She fought for a Black Man’s 2nd Amendment right and wanted a Winchester in their home to defend themselves against the KKK.

Early Democrats opposition to the 2nd Amendment had a racist motive. In fact, almost every thing they did had a racist motive.

Why did the KKK have a revival in the early 20th Century?
Another fan of the KKK was President Woodrow Wilson. “The Birth of a Nation” by D.W. Griffith, -the first movie screened in the White House.

In 1914, Ida B. Wells confronted Woodrow Wilson for his racist views.
She called him out for removing black officials from top jobs and putting them in menial jobs, janitors, etc.
He said segregation is good for both.
He continued to segregate the Federal Government.

1924: Democratic National Convention: “The Klan Bake”
10s of 1000s of Klansmen marched on New York City shouting racist slogans and burning crosses to celebrate the Democratic Party’s refusal to condemn the KKK in their platform.

The New Deal:
FDR didn’t have the votes to pass the New Deal program, so he promised the Democratic Party that he would block any anti-lynching legislation and he would exclude blacks from most New Deal programs.
White farmers were paid to not grow crops which meant many Blacks lost their jobs.
So most blacks, if they worked on the land, if they worked as maids, if they were paid in cash, they couldn’t get Social Security.
Johnson knew he had the Black vote, but privately, he knew the Black voters outnumbered the White voters in Texas.
Called the Negro Bill, he said, “We got to give them just enough but not enough to make a difference.”
Democrats are still trying to use Black Peoples’ vote for their own gain.

Deny, Deny, Deny, Shift Blame, Shift Blame, Shift Blame. That’s all they do.

Bill Mahr: “If you are racist, you’re probably a Republican.”

The Big Switch:
Senator Strom Thurmond was a racist Democrat who became a Republican.
But wait a minute. The Blacks switched to the Democratic Party in the 1930s, based on the promises of the New Deal.
They didn’t do it due to Race. They knew they were joining the party of the KKK and the party of segregation.
Southern Whites moved over to the Republican Party much later, during the 1970s to 90s, as the South became much more prosperous.
Racism had declined dramatically in the South. So as the South became less racist, it became more Republican.
So Blacks and Whites switched parties for economic reasons.
The proof of this is in Byron Shafer and Richard Johnson’s book, “The End of Southern Exceptionalism.” It shows the poorest, most racist Whites never switched.
The Whites that did switch from Democrats to Republicans, “were the non-racists, who were attracted to the Republican Party’s message of opportunity, prosperity, and upward mobility.”

So, besides Strom Thurmond, who else switched from Democrat to Republican?
Leaders of the KKK?
Leaders of other racist organizations?
Democratic Congressmen?
Democratic Senators from 1860-2000?
All who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
14 of 1600, so less than 1%

The Big Switch is a Big Lie.

The Democrats didn’t switch from being the Bad Guys to the Good Guys, the simply found a new and better scam.

Millions of Southern Blacks moved north, joined by millions of immigrants, from all over the world. So the Democrats got an idea; Let’s recreate the plantation, but now do it in the inner city.
Obama- Dreams from my Father, “Seemed like we’d always be second-class citizens. Plantation Politics.” So evidently, Plantation talk was coming from Barack’s dad.
Black people in the worst jobs, worst housing, police brutality rampant, but when the so-called black committeemen came around election time… “We’d all line up and vote the Straight Democratic Ticket. Sell our souls for a Christmas Turkey. White folks spitting in our faces, and we’d reward them with a vote.”
So what has Obama done to get rid of the Democratic Plantation? Nothing.
That’s because he’s running it.
These plantations weren’t just for Blacks, they were also for other minorities and immigrants.
When these groups arrived, they found waiting for them a Democratic Welcoming Committee.
They helped them out, got them a place to live, got them jobs.
The immigrant plantation had their own names; ghettoes, slums, barrios.
Welcome to America!
The Democrats built them, put these vulnerable people in them, and made sure no one left them.
Nothing’s free. They made sure these folks voted for them.

Gangs have bosses who control them. The Democrats invented the “Big City” Boss.
They didn’t just control politics, they also controlled industry, Unions.
Once in power, they steal the city treasury and shake-down businesses.
This makes them the “Original Community Organizers.”
Inner City racket.
Research Richard J. Daley
Johah Goldberg is an editor at the National Review. “Democrats used to like to be called Liberals.”
Today, it’s Progressive. What does Progressive mean? Social engineering, social control.
U.S. : Progressivism
USSR: Communism
Italy: Fascism

The Holocaust started off as progressive ideas, experimentation, planning, eugenics.

Margaret Sanger – Silver Lake New Jersey 1926. – Planned Parenthood.


in short, I think he's just so shamed and stuffed with deep seated resentment because deep down in his gizzards, he knows what many duped democrats know, especially those minorities and immigrants who were pimped out by the "Democrat" elite who traded their crumbs and broken promises for a vote.

For a vote!

Meditate or Chair Yoga on that for a month or two.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sober 16 years today and still don't want to drink a bourbon and coke...

Sixteen years sober, took me 26 or 36 years to get it, depending on how you look at it.

I have a host of friends. I am not a prey to misery and depression. I am employable and have a satisfying career, I am making a living. I am of use to people.

I've not gone to A.A. but about one time a year over the last few or several years, sort of forget exactly. When I do go to that meeting, it's my old homegroup which is still a great place with solid A.A. stepworkers. One guy has bad ALS over the last several years and still rides his bike to the meeting. He had to trade his Harley in for a Harley trike. It's pretty cool.

But, I had to leave. It is not for me now. If what I'm doing stops working, I know where to go back to. Haven't needed it so far.

I used to have drunk dreams, or nightmares if you will. Now I have occasional A.A. dreams, or nightmares if you will. In this dream, I dream I went back to A.A., then wake up in a cold sweat, then say, "Ah, I'm still sober... and still free from meetings! Thank God, it was just a dream."


Friday, January 3, 2020

Old post from March 2009

I’m chairing a meeting tonight on the Bedevilments. I’d ask you now where you stand with these questions today… and what you’re doing spiritually to treat them or how has God blessed you already in these areas;
• We were having trouble with personal relationships
• We couldn’t control our emotional natures
• We were a prey to misery and depression
• We couldn’t make a living
• We had a feeling of uselessness
• We were full of fear
• We were unhappy
• We couldn’t seem to be of real help to other people
It may be that you’ve recently been through a set of steps and God has restored you and given you power in these areas and given you solutions to these problems.

Or maybe you’re like me and been through a set of steps and see some issues still lingering here.

My question is what’s your current or recent experience in these areas and what are some examples where God’s taken you to better things.

• We were having trouble with personal relationships
Well, I’m kind of new to this Thing, this Entity that we all call God. I either forget that God has me and the world in His best interest and that He already knows what my purpose in life is and how I can best serve the world. I’ve offered myself to God in the 3rd Step and asked God to take away my difficulties. Do I remain in this proper “relation” to God? Well no, not exactly. I lack faith. I rely on self and go to fear. When I don’t sense God, I go back to playing God. And as the book says, “It didn’t work”. I forget that from time to time.
Relationship with self. A little too much, if you know what I mean.
Relationship with spouse/significant other; It may be that you’re so situated that you’re widowed or single or dating or married. I’m married, so… my experience tells me that I could use God’s guidance in this area. Sex; she’s not at her “optimum weight for me, I’m no 22 year old stud, so it could be better. We have all this exercise equipment, but it collects dust. At minimal, we could go for walks together and eat healthier. Or I could sweep it under the rug and bitch about it in inventory later this year. Could be worse. Somehow, I’m missing how God could help me in this area. Advice from others has always sucked really hard. Advice from others’ has not shed one once from her ass, nor has it shed a pound of fat off my gut. At least the spouse still wants to spend time with me. We’ve come a pretty good way in 9 years, but she makes 3 times what I do. I’m the Man here! I’m supposed to be the King of the Castle. More on this later.
Relationship with my spiritual peers; I go to lunch on Friday, but not so much fellowship with guys around my 5 years of sobriety. I have opportunity for this with another group, but it’s too social and not enough spiritual. I do, after all, have a wife to go home to. I need to work out a compromise with my peers and wear the pants with the wife too.
• We couldn’t control our emotional natures
In a meeting on Friday, I yelled at my boss and he told me to clear out my desk and go home. So I did. Then 15 minutes later, he apologized and owned up to his part and asked me to go back to work. My emotional nature seemed to spike that morning and I started with rage and wound up with self-pity. I spent the rest if the weekend in fear, but I’ve got my resume handy. I guess I could use God in this area.
• We were a prey to misery and depression
I’m not big on misery and depression, that I’m aware of. Despite the current worldly situation, I’ve got a job to go to and I’ve got my bills to date; albeit sometimes 2 weeks late. I’m well fed, clothed good enough, have pretty good health, and am working with a new man who’s in step 4 and hangin’ in there with going to meetings. I don’t do much other service work but I’ve got a pretty good balance of AA, seeking God through steps 10, 11, and 12, family, recreation, hobbies, chores, etc. If I get off my otherwise lazy ass and do something, I’m pretty content and happy.
• We couldn’t make a living
Well I don’t make any less money than I did two years ago, but I don’t think I’ve earned a pay raise nor have I received a review in two years. I’ve been here for over 5 years now. Year before last I got a big bonus, but this year, I spent the 100 bucks buying the Boss’s family Christmas gifts. It was a wash. My bills have increased in amount and I don’t make no more money. I have credit dept. It’s holding steady, but look at the money I’m throwing away there. The wife makes 3 times what I do. Who wears the fucking pants here? According to our salaries, I wear the fucking dress and ought to be in the fucking kitchen making her pot fucking pie. If it weren’t for her, I’d be poor. Then again, I pay near 50% of the bills and she drives the better car and has the bigger savings, checking, and retirement account. If it weren’t for her, I’d have no fucking medical insurance. Thank God she’s willing to help me. I should pray to her every night. She’s become my sugar-momma-God.
• We had a feeling of uselessness
My company is a small and growing company. We’ve slowed in our business and I’ve been trying to find ways to charge money and bring in capital for my expertise. We used to make the bulk of our money off flooring installs, but other companies are so broke, they ain’t buying new floors. I need to get creative here find a way to “carry my own weight”. I could use God’s help in this area.
• We were full of fear
I’m getting a little pissed watching the stock market slide and unemployment grow. Where’s the fucking bottom? We haven’t been living high on the hog for a couple of years now. What if I lose my job or my wife loses her job? Yeah, fear. It’s bad enough when I have to look at my own family, but what about our city, state, country, global economy? God does not intend for us to live in fear. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. I want to not suffer, and I ain’t crazy about pain. Need I just wake up, show up, put the gloves on and ask, “How can I help?”
• We were unhappy
I’ve been pretty darned spoiled, to be honest. I look at my oldest brother Chris, who’s a paranoid schizophrenic. He hears voices, smokes a cigarette every 3 minutes and slams Dr Peppers and coffee and takes his strong medication every day just to function. It seems like he’s existing to breathe tobacco smoke, ingest caffeine and mood altering meds, pace the floors in a ritual manner, and once in a while, reminisce about something that’s happened 50 years ago. I’m glad to just be an alcoholic who hasn’t lost his mind yet. Then there’s my nephew who’s back in prison for using meth, stealing a woman’s purse, and dragging her 50 yards with his car as she tried to reach into it to grab her purse back from him. He was supposedly “spun out” for about 8 days straight when it happened.
• We couldn’t seem to be of real help to other people
Well I show up at meetings and share my experience with the topic and stuff… I’m glad that I belong to a strong group that does all 12 steps, but our group has seen no new members that have stayed longer than about 2 meetings. I’m the newest member of our small meeting of 4 or 5 or six people. My five years is it! I’m the newcomer! I’ve had to send new guys I meet to our rival group for one reason or another. What the fuck is wrong with this picture? Why can’t we work with a guy who’s taking meds for manic-depressive? Why do women ask if we’re a stag group? Is it me? Is it the group as a whole? Could we use God in this area?

Anyway… Just looking for a topic that will challenge our little group a bit tonight.