
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sober 16 years today and still don't want to drink a bourbon and coke...

Sixteen years sober, took me 26 or 36 years to get it, depending on how you look at it.

I have a host of friends. I am not a prey to misery and depression. I am employable and have a satisfying career, I am making a living. I am of use to people.

I've not gone to A.A. but about one time a year over the last few or several years, sort of forget exactly. When I do go to that meeting, it's my old homegroup which is still a great place with solid A.A. stepworkers. One guy has bad ALS over the last several years and still rides his bike to the meeting. He had to trade his Harley in for a Harley trike. It's pretty cool.

But, I had to leave. It is not for me now. If what I'm doing stops working, I know where to go back to. Haven't needed it so far.

I used to have drunk dreams, or nightmares if you will. Now I have occasional A.A. dreams, or nightmares if you will. In this dream, I dream I went back to A.A., then wake up in a cold sweat, then say, "Ah, I'm still sober... and still free from meetings! Thank God, it was just a dream."


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