
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pot Smoker bashing A.A.

Mar 16, 2009 -- 6:31PM, Wmdkitty wrote:

There's nothing TO "understand" about "alcoholics" -- you're not "sick" or "diseased", you simply CHOOSE to drink to excess.

Oct 8, 2009 -- 2:48AM, Mcgowdog wrote:

We aren't sick or diseased. I agree.
But... "Most alcoholics... for reasons yet obscure... have lost the power of choice in drink."

That's me. You must be one of the "few", huh kitty cat?

You're not even an alcoholic, are you?

If you are, you're what we real alcoholics call a "baby robin type alcoholic"... all mouth and no brains.

Mar 16, 2009 -- 7:42PM, cherubino wrote:

Good point, and assuming it's true, it follows logically that those who say "AA or the highway" are mistaken and quite possibly deluded. But even as such, they're still just private citizens who have opinions, like political party members and sports fans. They have no more civil or legal authority to enforce their views on the general public than does any other nut who holds forth from a soapbox.

AA is a private, civilian, voluntary organization doing busness in a free society under the protection of the First Amendment. It's not allied with any city, state, or federal law enforcement agency, nor with any correctional bureaucracy. Why not simply ignore them and walk away, just as you would from any other street corner crackpot or assembly thereof?

Very nicely put. Some of you folks in here are pretty smart and pretty mature. It's too bad I came late. Doesn't look like much action in here anymore.

Mar 16, 2009 -- 8:34PM, Wmdkitty wrote:

And yet judges FORCE people into the program, and the program itself actively discourages members from associating with ANYONE who isn't in the program, discourages free thought (as evidenced by the 12-Step zombies who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves and others, and continue to prance about like AA is the BEST. THING. EVAR.) and it DAMAGES THE PARTICIPANTS by utterly destroying their minds, their self-esteem, and sense of self-worth. "You're an ADDICT. You're HOPELESS. You're nothing but a FAILURE. You NEED us, we're the ONLY ONES who understand, and we LOVE you!" It's the same thing abusers do to their victims.

Waa! I almost forget we're talking about the poor poor victim alcoholic here. Why is the alcoholic in front of a judge? Because they chugged too many beers without swallowing? Because they dropped the beer bong? Or did they break the LAW? Judges don't force alcoholics to do anything. They give them an alternative; Bubba or A.A. meeting.

But once they get to A.A., the poor victim alky gets snuggies and swirlys? They're forced to pay a buck and buy a 7 dollar book and drink bad coffee.

Oh, the poor victims! A.A. is so rough!

Sep 8, 2009 -- 2:31PM, Wmdkitty wrote:

AA practices indoctrination, you are told that it is the only way, that "if you have one drink, you will die", and other such lies.

When, in truth, one drink won't kill you -- your lack of self-control, should you CHOOSE to have more than one, on the other hand, will.

When there are other recovery programs with better success rates, and no "spiritual program".
AA is a RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED program, a friggin' cult, and has a success rate of 5%, same as it is for people who quit on their own. In fact, I'd wager that people who quit on their own are better off, because they are not told to cut any (and all) ties to their "former" life, and have a real support system of family and friends to lean on.

What really burns me, though, is the blatant disregard for the First Amendment, shown when judges sentence a criminal to AA meetings -- the judge is saying, "attend this religious program, or go to jail." It's actually ILLEGAL to do that.


A.A. practices no such doctrine. A.A. does not nor did it ever supply the desire to stop drinking to the prospect.

You can go drink if you want to. If you're not an alky or are one and don't want to stop drinking, don't go to A.A. and don't break the law.

It's just that simple. Why would you go to A.A. to drink booze? That's sort of like going to an abortion clinic to set up a lemans class, isn't it? That's just perverted.

Religious program, 5%, cult? Go back to Stinkin' Thinkin', you baby robin... all mouth and no brain 3 beer drinker.


  1. This is a common practice. Blame something else! I also have never seen such a display of misinformation being portrayed as actual fact.

    1)"and the program itself actively discourages members from associating with ANYONE who isn't in the program"

    I have never seen anything like this. Ever!

    2)"AA practices indoctrination, you are told that it is the only way, that "if you have one drink, you will die", and other such lies".

    And again, Never seen it and never heard it. If I did I would orrect the person.

    3) "and has a success rate of 5%, same as it is for people who quit on their own".

    People succeed and fail. Claiming a success/failure rate is as stupid as saying the liquor store doesn't work since I didn't get drunk last time I stopped in.

  2. One more thing!!

    3) "and has a success rate of 5%, same as it is for people who quit on their own".

    What the fuck is your point?? I think you're just pissed beause you can't muster up a 5% following in the way you think.
    Even Charles Manson could do better than you.

  3. You go Karl!

    Wow. I just got back from an A.A. Convention called OcSoberfest.

    No Nazis. No sponsors killing their sponsees. I didn't even see any wet drunks. They may have been there, but I didn't notice.

    There were four incredible speakers from across the U.S. These people had incredible "testimonies" if you will... of their experience.

    This one guy said that when he finally came into an A.A. meeting, he wasn't too keen on it in the first place. This guy walked up to him and told him he would be his sponsor.

    This new guy balked on his steps and the sponsor just merely started working more with another new guy... that was sober 14 days.

    This new guy was jealous and had attitude towards this "kiss ass" with 14 days. Then 2 days later, this new guy comes stumbling in and the 2 days sober guy walked up to him and said, "Welcome to A.A. I'm going to be your sponsor." The sponsor walked up to his new "protege" and merely said, "Can I co-sponsor him?" He said, "Fine. What do I do?" The sponsor said, "Go pitch new drunks."

    So they did and they are both sober 31 years today.

    This speaker said from the podium... my sobriety depends on the new guy, not my sponsor."

    If this is true, why in hell would a sober drunk mean any harm to the new man?

  4. Here's the deal! Why do all of these AA bashers insist that we are capable of quitting on self will and have the mental capacity to simply uit on our own and in the same breath insist our brains turn into mush as soon as we step into AA? We are then so "Weak Minded" we drink the poison kool aid at our sponsors request.
    I guess we are not powerless over alcohol but we are powerless at the hands of a recovered wino. I just don't get it sometimes.

  5. Here's the deal! Why do all of these AA bashers insist that we are capable of quitting on self will and have the mental capacity to simply uit on our own and in the same breath insist our brains turn into mush as soon as we step into AA? We are then so "Weak Minded" we drink the poison kool aid at our sponsors request.
    I guess we are not powerless over alcohol but we are powerless at the hands of a recovered wino. I just don't get it sometimes.
