Well, I was reflecting on the Easter Season, which is the most holy time of the year for me. There is so much good stuff to ponder, the ultimate example of unselfishness showed by Jesus at the least and the redemtion from sin and resurection from the dead and the whole God became man thing, if you are that much of a believer.
I figured I'd go over and see what our atheist anti-AA friends were talking about during this special time of year. And look what I happened upon......a link to this argicle http://gazettextra.com/news/2010/apr/02/janesville-school-district-reviewing-its-12-step-r/ which is about some group 'Freedom From Religion Foundation' (I know, how unAmerican is that ?) who is taking the Janesville WI school district to task for recommending 12 step attendance (along with other sober social and family activities) for high school kids who have drug and alcohol problems. And to make matters worse the special school meets in .....are you ready, gasp, a church....omg.
I do think it's great that while the Christian world celebrates one of the most unselfish acts of all time, the atheists are showing the world just how petty and selfish they are. Well, they do that every time they open their mouths, but the contrast just warms my heart.
So what kind of organization does FTG and MA and the anti-AA crew look up to ?
How is this group making the world a better place ?
Let's take a look at some of the issues they regularly work on :
"Churches Used as Polling Places
A church is being used as a polling location. Is that legal?"
Yes, you read it right. The atheists are so bigoted and vile that they feel dirty if they even have to step foot in a church. Answer, complain and get an absentee ballot. Bonus, you won't have to go out in public and be around other prople's germs. It's a win/win situation.
"Churches and Political Lobbying Activities
A church is participatiing in political lobbying. What can I do about it?"
Well, if you don't go to church how do you know ?? Churches can not endorse specific candidates or party's but they can speak on issues and such. Grow the fuck up and stop complaining because someone is publicly disagreeing with you. BTW been to any mosques lately ??

"Child Custody and Religion
A court has ordered that my ex-spouse has the right to take my son/daughter to a church, religious school or other religious event with which I disagree. What are my rights?"
Well, you mostly have the right not to spread your legs /pin her locks if your partner is a theist. Once the deed is done, it's too fucking bad for you if the childs parent wants to take the kids to church when he/she has visitation/custody. Here's a thought, grow the hell up and start thinking about your child instead of yourself. Oh, that's right, an atheist can't do that. Sorry, I forgot.
"Church Bulletin Discounts A store is offering a discount or promotion for bringing in a church bulletin. Is that legal?"
It turns out it's not legal. You can't sell your goods in the way you like, in the good ole' US of A. Imagine that. Of course I'd just go up to the manager and tell him I went to church and forgot the bulletin and get the discount, if I wanted it. But, then I'd probably have a church bulletin anyway because I don't feel my eyes burn when I look at a chruch.
"Consumer Complaints
I am tired of stores and restaurants playing gospel music. I feel this violates my right to 'freedom of religion.' Is there anything that can be done about it?"
LOL !!! Find another store, dick weed. My 'rights' are being violated because I don't like the music they play in the store.....this is great. Hey, do you think the store owner, employees and other customers have any rights or did they make 'rights' just for you ??
"Court-Ordered Participation in A.A.
Information for Prisoners and Probationers Required to Attend A.A., N.A., or Other Religiously Centered Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs"
Right. The alternative would be jail. Since that's where you belong anyway, please complain about AA and serve your time. It would show the world how true your 'moral compass' points.
"HUD Housing Violations
I live in a HUD-subsidized housing. What are my rights to avoid religious activities and decorations?"
Yup, 'rights' to avoid religious activites. You have them, so go ahead and ruin it for everyone else. That, again, will prove what a great moral person you are. You fucking baby.
"Nativity Displays on Public Property
Are Christmas displays a violation of the First Amendment?"
Yes, these atheists want to shit all over Christmas. Use it as a teaching oppurtunity to explain to your kids what scum bags these people are.
I seem to remember reading the Puritans banned Xmas also. How did that work out for them ??
"Prayer at Senior Centers
They make us listen to prayer before we eat lunch at public-funded senior centers. Help!"
I want my free lunch now, I don't want to have to wait 10 seconds while someone prays !!!! Here's a hint...when everyone else is praying, start eating. They won't know because they have their eyes closed.
"Religious Tests for Public Office
Why do some states require a religious test for public office? Isn't that unconstitutional?"
Unfortunatley, it is. But you may as well complain and donate to this shit brain organization anyway.
"Good Friday Closings
Is it legal for government offices and public schools to close for Good Friday?"
Oh Uh......they close for Martin Luther King day too.....buy atheists only spew their bigotry on certain groups. They like to consider themselves friendly with the Blacks even though I don't see any smiling black faces on the website.
"Prayers at Government Meetings
Is an Establishment Clause violation occurring at government meetings?"
This is great because the atheist actually quote (mis-quote of course) The Bible on this one :
'Even the Jesus of the New Testament condemned public prayer: “Enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret” (Matt. 6:5-13).
Observing a strict separation of church and state offends nobody..'
You know what else offends nobody, you keeping your fat, white atheist ass at home.
"Immigration Oaths
I want to become a U.S. citizen, but am not religious and don’t want to take a religious oath. What are my rights?"
You have the right not to become a US citizen.
"Jury Oaths
I've been called for jury duty. Or, I need to testify at a trial. Am I going to have to take a religious oath or place my hand on a bible?"
You are wise in not touching the Bible as your hands will burn. Best stay home and hide under the bed.
"Marriage License Oaths
When we went to apply for our marriage license, the county clerk told us we had to state an oath to "God." What can we do?"
You mean you have to swear an Oath to a God you don't believe exists ? Better just shack up. It's easier.
"Bible Distribution in Public Schools
Can Gideons pass out bibles at my child's public school?"
Just say no ?
"Churches Renting Public Schools
A church is meeting in a public school. What can I do about it?"
Ummmm, don't go to the service ?
"Pledge of Allegiance
Do I (or my child) have to participate in the religious Pledge of Allegiance in my public school?"
It's good that you don't participate in the pledge since you aren't an American. Best let everyone know.
"Prayers in School
What is the law about prayers in public schools?"
Bla, bla, bla......God forbid you should have to hear someone pray.
"Religious Music
My child's choir is singing religious music. Is that legal?"
Have the little bastard quit.