
Friday, August 30, 2013

Adult Child?

What the hell is this? There's no such thing as an "Adult Child". I call bullshit.
And what about "He got in with the wrong crowd. Bullshit. He's an asshole criminal and he found other asshole criminals to hang out with.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'd like to puke on the next person's face who says this.
You're only as sick as your secrets. Orly, you nosy fuck?

Monday, August 26, 2013

3rd Step, what does this mean to you?

To me, it means I am responsible.
Why? Because I've decided in. I've decided that there is a God who can remove the obsession from booze from me if I follow a few simple rules. All I have to do is realize my place in the Universe and realize that my troubles are of my own making.
Are your troubles of your own making?
If not yours, then whose?
The book says any life run on self will cannot succeed. Is this true for you?
The book talks about how the alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run-riot, though he usually doesn't think so. Is this true for you?
Oh, another thing about the third step... it's but a decision. Nobody forces you into this. Is this true for you?

Thursday, August 15, 2013


In 1942, members from San Francisco brought the first A.A. meeting into San Quentin Prison at the request of Warden Clinton T. Duffy. This example led to A.A.’s cooperation with court systems, including direct communications with judges and parole and probation officials. The sole purpose of this Twelfth Step work, then and now, was to carry A.A.’s message to the still-suffering alcoholic. To fulfill that purpose, A.A.s have learned how to share A.A. information within court systems.
Probation and parole officers, as well as judges, often require people involved in alcohol‑related offenses to attend A.A. meetings. Some A.A. members find it difficult to accept this “outside” policy in light of our Third Tradition, “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.” Perhaps it’s helpful to remember that our Traditions apply to us, and aren’t affected by the regulations established by outside institutions—we cooperate without affiliating. By adhering to all Twelve Traditions, many groups welcome each newcomer regardless of how they got to the meeting.
___________________________________________________ Oh, so we were asked to bring A.A. into these entities. OK. And we do not affiliate with the courts, but rather cooperate with them. Oh, and we do not violate our own traditions by allowing those slip signers into the meeting. Our traditions are guidelines for us to follow, but cannot be demanded of those from outside of A.A. Hmmm... makes sense to me. But to the radical atheist/A.A. hating treatment center professional trying to make a killing on the suffering alcoholic and addict by lining their pockets with the poor sick and suffering alcoholic, it's anti A.A. fodder.
Next topic for discussion, What is A.A. to do about all those nasty criminals being sent to A.A.? Can A.A. screen out the hardened criminals from it's realm? Can any institution do this?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

If not A.A. then what... again?

So after almost 4 years of some of us going back and forth with these anti/XAers, where are they now? When we were mixing it up with them, it started off that they were smart rational thinkers and we were stupid culted koolaid drinkers.
Then when we presented rational and reasonable arguments for A.A., they got mad at us and tried the holier than thou approach and tried banning some of us.
Now, they're still there and they are all on this A.A. is full of rapists and murderers witch hunt.
OK fine. Gotta fix A.A., or take that sucker down.
But whatever happened to growing up better methods again? Where's AVRT? Where's Rational Recovery? Where's SMART? Where's Moderation Management? I hear you say you've got a TV program and you have such and such famous actor plugging it. But where can I go to an other-than-A.A. recovery program in a town near me?
It seems to me like you anti/XAers are about 98% resentment/fear and about 2% inginuity and action.
I'm burnt out on waiting for something to happen. I think I'll go kill an hour in an A.A. meeting and go paint a house. Y'all? Want to join me?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

MA says to our very own Tony J...

M A Says:
Quote by Tony J:February 28, 2010 at 11:56 pm For the record, oh exalted cult leader, I worship Jesus Christ. The second person of the Holy Trinity.
Actually, you follow two scriptures: AA and the Bible. I had asked you before if you could ask your priest next time you see him if worshiping a group of people or a tree is heresy. And again, make sure you ask him after he finishes and zips up, or he will tell you what you want to hear.
MA, you've got to remember one thing... there's a difference between kneeling and bending over.
Oh, then ftg weighs in on poor Tony J;
friendthegirl Says: March 2, 2010 at 9:41 pm Yeah thanks for the ankle-bite, you petty twat. If you were smart, you’d have noticed I wasn’t talking to you.
Then MA goes after TonyJ again;
M A Says: March 2, 2010 at 11:46 pm Why are you quoting us your scripture like that means anything, Tony? That shit doesn’t mean anything to anyone who isn’t brainwashed by that nonsense. You may as well quote the Koran or Book of Mormon.
Then MA on TonyJ again;
M A Says: March 3, 2010 at 12:20 am Why are you making up quotes, Tony? Tony, when you are lying to us, are your pants really on fire?
Then TonyJ responds to ftg and MA after a number of stabs in the side from them;
Tony J Says: March 3, 2010 at 2:30 am
FTG : When did I get my ass handed to me ? I missed it.
Oh yeah, all the mind numb anti-AA can do is declare victory. I forgot. .
MA : You are so pwnded you can’t even think of anything to say. But that doesn’t stop you from writing foolish comments, does it ?
What a sad sack.
Oh well, I guess since cuda’s taking a break I don’t have anything left to do here.
You guys can play with yourselves for a while.

Stinkin' Thinkin' "tags" McGowdog

This here is a sort of best of at Stinkin' Thinkin' McGowdog style. http://donewithaa.wordpress.com/tag/mcgowdog/ Enjoy.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Think before you go to Stinkin' Thinkin'

I tried to go read those posts over there and keep getting kicked off. Not sure if it's safe on that site or not._____________________ Please don't go over there and get nasty with them. Diablo did and someone acused him of stalking and/or death threats. It was my understanding that this is why the site was taken down. Truth or the newest liberal debating technique? Idk.

Stinkin' Thinkin' Reincarnated

Hmmm. Guess I missed this, but it looks like Stonkin' Thinkin' is back up. Stinkin' Thinkin'

Friday, August 9, 2013

Stinkin' Thinkin' archived

I found this on a google search. It looks like MA and FTG turned their site loose and it may have been all archived, idk. It's good to see it from the beginning... for some of us ex and current Sober Recovery folks anyway, and a good history as to how this blog started. Enjoy! Stinkin Thinkin

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Adage for the Month

Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.