
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Little Brown Mouse...
It was Thanksgiving Day and a little brown mouse sit busily working alone in her house…
The little mouse children had gone out to play with the brown mouse’s children just over the way…
She put on her apron and went to the shelf, and said to herself, “I’ll just help myself.”
She cooked and she sliced and she brought out the cheese, and then she exclaimed, “a tart if you please.”
The little mouse children came in from their play… they nibbled and ate, not a crumb did they leave on the table or plate.
And I heard them exclaim, as they ran out to play, “It’s the loveliest kind of a Thanksgiving Day.”
- RIP Aunt Lela and Cousin Linda

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dr Bob on "Cultivating Tolerance"

From the editorial column of the July 1944 A.A. Grapevine
During nine years in A.A., I have observed that those who follow the Alcoholics Anonymous program with the greatest earnestness and zeal not only maintain sobriety but often acquire finer characteristics and attitudes as well. One of these is tolerance. Tolerance expresses itself in a variety of ways; in kindness and consideration toward the man or woman who is just beginning the march along the spiritual path; in the understanding of those who perhaps have been less fortunate in education advantages; and in sympathy toward those whose religious ideas may seem to be at great variance with our own.
I am reminded in this connection of the picture of a hub with its radiating spokes. We all start at the outer circumference and approach our destination by one of many routes. To say that one spoke is much better than all the other spokes is true only in the sense of its being best suited to you as an individual. Human nature is such that without some degree of tolerance, each one of us might be inclined to believe that we have found the best or perhaps the shortest spoke. Without some tolerance, we might tend to become a bit smug or superior - which, of course, is not helpful to the person we are trying to help and may be quite painful or obnoxious to others. No one of us wishes to do anything that might act as a deterrent to the advancement of another- and a patronizing attitude can readily slow up this process.
Tolerance furnishes, as a by-product, a greater freedom from the tendency to cling to preconceived ideas and stubbornly adhered-to opinions. In other words, it often promotes an open-mindedness that is vastly important - is, in fact, a prerequisite to the successful termination of any line of search, whether it be scientific or spiritual.
These, then, are a few of the reasons why an attempt to acquire tolerance should be made by each one of us.
That's what Dr Bob said. I'm a Dr Bob fan myself.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dee74, why did you shun me?

What did I do to you? Personally? At one time, you used to talk with me, converse with me. Then after I was banned, nothing. You turned on and shunned me. You punish those associated with me. Why?
It wasn't my treatment of CarolD. Actually, we had spoke and were going to meet for dinner and a meeting. I couldn't make it, but she offered. She repeatedly warned me about my behavior at SR and suggested I try someplace else, from the beginning. I understand that. I understand SR was not for me. I had to be shown the door too.
But what did I do to you? Oh, best not answer that. It's best to "ignore" the likes of me.
Well I'll get free of it, somehow. But hope you do too. If that "ignore" ever stops working for you let me know. We'll rap about it.

Finally done with that damned 4th Step

I was a month behind, due to a work thing. But I'm just now finished and will 5th Step it tonight at 7pm.
Time is short. Must be done with amends by Thanksgiving.
I did not see the need to write down some positive things about me. To be honest, I spent most of the time writing about y'all and your grosser handicaps. But I did take the gloves off and write about me... and God.
For those of you who don't believe in redoing a 4th step, call it a written 10th step then. I wrote it down and found it necessary to discuss it with someone else... at once. Or at 7pm tonight.
I'll be glad when it's done. But then it's on to more action...

Yet Another 4th Step Question at SR

A current post at SR. The OP, an admitted nonAAer, wants to rewrite the book because he/she doesn't think the book is correct. Don't write a 4th step. Just don't do it.
If I can't get to the place of I'm right and they are wrong, aka I'm God, aka high self esteem, then I have no resentment and wjy write one?
The op should make a list of all yhe good things she has done, write a daily journal, make a gratitude list, take two aspirin, and call me in the morning.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Poor sponsorship and the 12 steps... a good thread at Sober Recovery

It's a great thread because it shows how some newbie, namely one SoberHal9, can come into the forum and rip off a thread and some experience in A.A. and it totally rips the covers off of the bunch of them MOTRs.
The first person to remotely agree with Hal's stance is one pmv... until he agrees with Robbyrobot.
The next person to show credence to Hal's post is Leadfoot.
Hal basically says that his first sponsor sucked, held him back, etc. His next sponsor took him through the steps promptly, it worked out great, then he noticed what a bunch of whiney wussy bitches hang out in A.A. and that most folks in A.A. aren't even real alky.
Then everybody at SR pretty much got all butt-hurt.
Why? Because it hit home! They are a bunch of MOTR whiney bitches, the lot of them!
Great thread, newbie!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Alcoholics are not addicts

... nor is alcoholism an addiction.
. .
Doctors and therapists and healthcare professionals can afford to use sloppy language with us but we cannot.
. .
For us, alcoholism IS life or death. Maybe I'm wrong and they are right. You'd better find out the truth for yourself. Is alcoholism the same as smoking, overeating, cocaine addiction? Find out. Don't let no one hustle you into believing, including me.