antiAA819, you can go to my blog and bash it and A.A. all you want.
If your comments are not antiAA bs and otherwise biased against me, they'll stick.
It's my blog.
That's right.
I make the rules.
If your comments are not antiAA bs and otherwise biased against me, they'll stick.
It's my blog.
That's right.
I make the rules.
It's where I stick my proAA stuff.

I know there's a bunch wrong with A.A.
I know about Orange and Stinkin' Thinkin' and now the likes of you.

Orange learns about ducks;
But tell us what's so great about SMART or RR or LR or whatever. Some of you can just choose to quit. Not me. Hats off to ya.
I don't hate you. I can't live that way. I don't like being hated by you either.
I know about Orange and Stinkin' Thinkin' and now the likes of you.

Orange learns about ducks;
But tell us what's so great about SMART or RR or LR or whatever. Some of you can just choose to quit. Not me. Hats off to ya.
I don't hate you. I can't live that way. I don't like being hated by you either.
I'm merely defending A.A., but in the meantime, I'm doing steps and separating the MOTR or what Danny Boy calls Pop-A.A. from the actual program.
Is that so wrong? A.A. does work for some of us. Why do we get called trolls and spammers when we're merely supporting A.A.?
Do you really want a blog full of antiA.A.ers? What would you all b!tch about then? The weather? The economy? Your green world?
Is that so wrong? A.A. does work for some of us. Why do we get called trolls and spammers when we're merely supporting A.A.?
Do you really want a blog full of antiA.A.ers? What would you all b!tch about then? The weather? The economy? Your green world?
A.A. is not going away ever. It's here to stay. Really.
"Dog - antiaa819 - Dec 1st 2009
McGowdog points us in the direction of his blog. I encourage everyone to visit it as he is the poster child for what you want to avoid in aa. I met many aaers such as mcgowdog during my time in aa and I await a time when people like him are exposed for the charlatans that they really are."
Oh, and I didn't direct any of you to my blog anyhow. Y'all did that all on your own. Thanks for stopping by. If it weren't for a pesky poster, you might have comment privileges too. You can thank antiAA819 for that.

"Dog - antiaa819 - Dec 1st 2009
McGowdog points us in the direction of his blog. I encourage everyone to visit it as he is the poster child for what you want to avoid in aa. I met many aaers such as mcgowdog during my time in aa and I await a time when people like him are exposed for the charlatans that they really are."
Oh, and I didn't direct any of you to my blog anyhow. Y'all did that all on your own. Thanks for stopping by. If it weren't for a pesky poster, you might have comment privileges too. You can thank antiAA819 for that.

So, here's an example of what antiAA819 is saying about me;
""The Dog Blog - - Dec 2nd 2009
"McGowdog points us in the direction of his blog. I encourage everyone to visit it as he is the poster child for what you want to avoid in aa. I met many aaers such as mcgowdog during my time in aa and I await a time when people like him are exposed for the charlatans that they really are.
More like he is the poster child for what you want to avoid in life altogether. Nasty, ignorant, judgmental, small minded, arrogant, sick, tiny, shallow, fearful, deslusional - and all on behalf of God, as he claims? I think that since AA allows its followers to choose any random higher power, McGowdog chose himself as the God of His understanding. He doesnt seem to understand much beyond the confines of his own mind.""
So... how is that juvenile assessment of me smart, educated, mature? How is your bitching, pissing and moaning making you any better than me?
You folks are a bunch of whiny bitchy moany punks and skanks. Why don't you go do something useful? Get a job. Work with lepers. Go help the Salvation Army. Go down to the bus depot and get your self esteem back. How does wasting away on cyber-world helping your cause? Really?
""The Dog Blog - - Dec 2nd 2009
"McGowdog points us in the direction of his blog. I encourage everyone to visit it as he is the poster child for what you want to avoid in aa. I met many aaers such as mcgowdog during my time in aa and I await a time when people like him are exposed for the charlatans that they really are.
More like he is the poster child for what you want to avoid in life altogether. Nasty, ignorant, judgmental, small minded, arrogant, sick, tiny, shallow, fearful, deslusional - and all on behalf of God, as he claims? I think that since AA allows its followers to choose any random higher power, McGowdog chose himself as the God of His understanding. He doesnt seem to understand much beyond the confines of his own mind.""
So... how is that juvenile assessment of me smart, educated, mature? How is your bitching, pissing and moaning making you any better than me?
You folks are a bunch of whiny bitchy moany punks and skanks. Why don't you go do something useful? Get a job. Work with lepers. Go help the Salvation Army. Go down to the bus depot and get your self esteem back. How does wasting away on cyber-world helping your cause? Really?
How about Moderation Management? What about Audrey Kishline and the 38 year old Richard Davis and his 12 year-old daughter that she killed when, while following her own little anti-AA MM program that promotes "moderation"... to the tune of .26 bac...? How is that program less dangerous than A.A.? If you're an alcoholic and you give a fuck about society, you would be going to a God damned A.A. meeting and drinking coffee instead of booze, you stupid fucktards! Fuck all you fucking fucks. Why don't you just go for a swim... all of you.

Go listen to Stanton Peele dance sideways on the "movement" after the incident! Oh, guess abstinence isn't so bad afterall now! Go do what you losers do. Pimp your pharmaceutical drugs to your poor victims-er patients and collect your lucrative paychecks. But leave the drunks alone. You didn't give a shit about them prior to the formation of A.A. back in 1935 and you don't give a shit about them now.
Whatever!! There's a lot of issues that make anything going on in AA childsplay.
ReplyDeleteNobody is dying because of AA like they say.
Nobody is going to die if they don't go to AA.
Courts aren't sending people to a "Religious Program"! Don't believe me?? Try talking about God in most meetings and see how many people show up next week.
Bill Wilson has been dead for almost 40 years. Lois is dead too. Anything that questions the motives and ethics of Bill is about as moot as a point can ever get. Really, that's about as lame as the Birth Certificate Arguement.
When you have nothing else to play, pull the birth certificate card.
Tell yourself over and over "Bill is dead, Bill is dead, Bill is dead" Then click your heels together three times.
The world has a lot of complex problems.
Doctors turning people into drug addicts for profit.Government officials taking bribes, Pilots sleeping, drunk or both, Americas "Create a Criminal" program that keeps our jails full to justify the budget request, Social Services inventing problems for people and then stealing their kids for the same budget request, etc...
Nearest I canfigure is that they're trying to save the world and its troubles one at a time. Unfortunatley for AA these idealists are starting in alphebetical order.
LOL Your wear your fear for everyone to see McGowdog. I don't hate you I pity you.
ReplyDeleteSave your pity. I pity the stupid fools who think they can help the alcoholic and are not even real alcoholics themselves. I do not pity the assholes who exploit the alcoholic and the drug addict for money. People get dead when that happens. Just ask Audrey Kishline-er antiAA819.
ReplyDeleteDo what you may with the drug addict. They've been shown a path that works. It's up to them to utilize that path.