Alcohol Recovery Blog... Well, not so much any more. I've lost all of my support over the last several years obviously. Nobody wants to go head to head with the Anti/XAers anymore. Seems that most have jumped off of the A.A. "bandwagon" all together. I've lost my resolve as well. Still sober 20+ years though. So there is that.
Now this seems more like it. How could this be?
First, let's look at some A.A. statistical facts that we've heard;
What would the A.A. haters or antiAAers have us believe?
Where in the hell do they even get that from?
Well, Quickcap mentions two types of AA haters;
First, you've got your weiners, or those that like to repeat something that someone else says over and over and over...
Secondly, you've got your ankle biters. They just flat out spread lies.
So... as the story goes, A.A. does an internal survey every three years and back in 1989, there were 2 key questions that were keyed in on;
5. I first came to A.A. in ...... / ..............
....................................month/ year
6. I had my last drink in .... / ................
...................................month year
So the problem is... there's a lag between the answer to 6 and 5. Some come to A.A. because they have "back problems". Some actually come to A.A. to get wives, husbands, bosses, judges, family, etc. off their back... but continue to drink or remain dry. Then they hit a brick wall and come back to A.A. and are willing to do something. But this is when the antiAAers or AA haters come in and lay down this lie. They probably cause some damage and this is exactly why I just got kicked off a recovery forum.
So the next lie on the AA haters agenda is that A.A. is a religious evil cult that is both ineffective and yet also still dangerous. As Quickcap points out, trying to control alcoholics is like hearding cats.
"How can you have a cult when you have the patients running the asylum?"
Thank you Quickcap for what you do over there on youtube. I see your hate mail. You must really be onto something.
"If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely, or if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic. If that be the case, you may be suffering from an
illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer. "
If you are having a problem with drinking too much alcohol, then you have a disease which only a spiritual experience will conquer.
(The Big Book, 3rd Edition, William Wilson, page 44.)
Moving right along you left this turd laying on the floor:
"You are powerless over alcohol. You can't quit. Your life is unmanageable. There you are, facing ruin again, and still you can't stop. The more you struggle, the worse you get. Even if you quit drinking, we can prophesy that you will suffer from strange mental blank spots where will-power and self-knowledge will be useless, and you will start drinking again without even knowing what you are doing. Your defense must come from a Higher Power. (The Big Book, 3rd & 4th Editions, William G. Wilson, pages 59, 41-42, and 43.)"
Here's an example of where you took a story and quoted Bill as being the one that said it. It wasn't. It was Jim and I'm not going to research it right now. But it wasn't Bill as you stated.